Learning Resources

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Reading Lists

Classic Reading List. Sharon parents have compiled a Classic Reading List -pre-1900, and an Early 20th Century Reading List. We also recommend In Memoria Press, which has student & teacher guides you can use at home for select classic literature.

Reading lists from other schools.

Note: TECCA Connections Academy is one of the two Massachusetts online public schools.

Living History Reading List. Journey to distant times and faraway places through high-quality novels. These books bring your child into history while teaching important lessons about courage, hard work, integrity, family, friendship, and perseverance. Homeschooling curricula provide great age/topic based lists: see Bookshark, Build Your Library, Beautiful Feet, Good and Beautiful.

Tutors, Classes, and More

We’ve compiled lists of local tutors and classes, as well as online learning resources.


Education Standards

Massachusetts DESE Learning Standard. K-12 guidelines written in simple understandable terms.


Do you feel you are running in circles?

Families face the same issues year after year. We can advise you on how other Sharon families successfully handled similar situations:

  • The teacher told me halfway through the year my child is behind.

  • I’m not comfortable with the sex-ed curriculum.

  • My son is 1-2 years ahead of the math curriculum.

  • My daughter comes home with reading assignments well below her reading level.

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