Sharon Board of Health Mask Order
Public records request into the reason Sharon Board of Health issued a mask mandate in advance of the 2021-2022 school year.
Mike Hugo of the Mass Association of Health Boards sent a letter to the teacher’s unions and all local boards of health encouraging the boards of health to adopt a mask mandate, along with a sample policy.
Sharon town administrator allowed town employees who worked in an office alone to not wear a mask, even though this exception was not in the BOH mandate. This means the higher-up administrative workers do not need to wear masks while the public-facing ones do.
Please consider the following a Freedom of Information Act Request. I would like to gain all electronic correspondences (emails, texts, etc) that meet the following parameters:
1. Time: from June 1, 2021 - August 11, 2021
2. Who: Sharon Department of Health or Sharon Board of Health corresponding with any of the following entities: School Committee, Select Board, Superintendent, Sharon Public School, Sharon Teachers Association, Massachusetts’s Teacher’s Association, and any individual in their professional capacity as an SPS employee.
3. Topic: Sharon Department of Health or Sharon Board of Health issuing an order mandating masking in Sharon Public Schools. This includes inquiries/requests before the order was issued and reactions after the order was issued.
4. May exclude: correspondence about recommendations from Department of Health/Board of Health on health/safety.
Interesting findings